Switchbacks Logo GPS Maps

Data Submission Upload

Thank you for contributing data! If this is your first time doing so, you may want to familiarize yourself with the best practices guidelines for data submissions.

GPX (GPS Exchange Format) is the preferred file format, although various other formats are also acceptable. I prefer not to work with Garmin's GDB format as most of the tools that I use for editing data do not support it.

If you run into any problems, feel free to email for support at the address in the masthead above, or visit the Switchbacks Forums.

Choose the file to upload:

Please provide some details about this data:
Your name (or Geocaching.com alias):
Your email (in case of questions or issues):

Confirm email address:
State or province in which the data is located:
Surface type(s) of data in submission:
Permitted user types:
Summer Uses:
Mountain Bikes:
Winter Uses:
X-C Skis:
City, town or feature closest to the recorded data:
Name of park or area in which the data is located:
GPS used to record the data:
Notes regarding this data:
Related file (explanatory drawing, photo, etc.):
Do you want email confirmation of your submission?